Quote: poetry and technology go “digit in digit”

Quotes, Uncategorized

For this quote, I’ll refer you to an interview I did with Don Share, editor of Poetry, back in 2014 as a part of the 32 Poems Prose Feature, of which I was editor.

Emilia Phillips: Does poetry lend itself to new media and innovative textuality more than other genres? If so, how?

Don Share: I don’t know about more, but poetry certainly can do that. We’ve got apps and a website and podcasts and digital publishing projects at the magazine and at the Poetry Foundation, so every day I see ways in which poetry and new media connect with each other. If you want to know why poetry isn’t dead, part of the reason is that it keeps happening. And so does the development of technology. They go hand in hand. Or maybe digit in digit! But there’s also a way in which poetry is rather conservative – in both the bad and good senses of the world. However it comes to you, a poem is a poem.

—from “No End to What Can Be Imagined: An Interview with Don Share”